The Elder Scrolls V: Imperial guide

Out of the various races, the Imperials are among the most versatile. Owing to their

expertise as merchants and soldiers they have plenty of skill at keeping themselves

alive whether it requires talking their way out of a problem or bashing enemies with

a club. The only skills they lack to begin with are stealth based, which means they

make much better fighters or mages than they do thieves or assassins.

Newer players who are interested in fighters may find the Imperial to be the ideal

race for them. Their skills are designed for them to suit up in heavy armor with a

heavy shield and one-handed weapon. If their weapon isn’t cutting it then they can

use Destruction magic to assist them. If you’re playing them right then you’ll have

very little need for Restoration, but it’s still nice to have it if things get bad.

However, their abilities are kind of spread all over the place, and this does hamper

them a bit. For example, if you don’t plan on using much magic then both Destruction

and Restoration will be going to waste. Their enchanting ability is in that very same

boat, since it’s not something every character will even want to bother with. That

leaves you with up to three dead skills, one of which is the highest skill the

Imperial starts with. So be very sure that you’re going to do something with those

skills before picking this race. It’s not like its active racial ability is anything

too special, although the extra money can be nice.

An Imperial will have access to:

Starting Skills

Block: 20, Destruction: 20, Enchanting: 20, Heavy Armor: 20, One Handed: 20,

Restoration: 25

Passive Abilities

Imperial Luck – Anywhere gold coins might be found Imperials always seem to find a

few more.

Activated Ability:

Voice of the Emperor – Calms nearby people for 60 seconds.

Character Suggestions:

The Imperial works well as either a straight up warrior who uses a few spells to

assist him (Restoration mostly) or a mage who wears heavy armor and focuses on

Destruction and Restoration.

If you choose to go with a warrior, then you should find yourself having a pretty

easy time of it for the earlier portions of the game. Later, you will probably want

to invest in Enchanting so that you can get the most of your enchanted items, or you

could simply invest in it early on. It will help you keep your enchanted weapons

recharged and possibly even make some equipment, helping you as the fighting gets


The mage route is a bit more unconventional due to the fact that you’re going to be

a mage who doesn’t use mage robes to enhance his abilities. Put on the hood you find

inside of the torture cell to increase your magicka pool and then just heap on the

heavy armor with a shield. Then you will want to swap between whatever weapon you’re

using to bean enemies in the face and a Destruction spell that fits your opponent.

The Elder Scrolls V: Khajiit guide

What do we have here? A race of cats that specializes in stealth skills? I’m fully

convinced that somebody made a joke about a cat burglar and the game designers ran

with it far too literally. Whatever the reason for them existing they are the single

best thieves in the game with a boost to basically every stealth skill that a thief

could want.

Basically every single aspect of the Khajiit is geared towards making them the best

stealthy murderers. There is no advantage to be had trying to turn them into

something else, so just don’t bother. A stealthy approach via bow and poisoned

arrows will get you through a lot of enemies, while your sword backup lets you handle

close range.

Much like the Argonians, the Khajiit have had the restriction on what armor they can

wear removed. This allows you to have a badass full suit of armor to compliment your

natural kitty thief abilities. The claw ability is pretty useless in the long run –

although it can be powerful in Helgen Keep and the first few dungeons. Use your bow

at range and then cat scratch the heck out of them when they get in your face.

Kitty Meow-Meow will have access to:

Starting Skills

Alchemy: 20, Archery: 20, Lockpicking: 20, One Handed: 20, Pickpocket: 20 Sneak: 25

Passive Abilities

Claws – Khajiit can do 15 points of damage with unarmed attacks.

Activated Ability:

Night Eye – Improved night vision for 60 seconds.

Character Suggestions:

Since a Khajiit is designed to be a pure rogue, simply embrace this and pick them

when you went the best of the best. Take a quick, light melee weapon like a dagger or

light sword and get them enchanted when you want a stronger weapon. If you like,

early on, you can stick with just your claws as they’re stronger than most knives

and early game swords, but their effectiveness peters off quickly. Otherwise, stick

with the bow and whatever poisons that you like to use.

A nice thing about the Khajiit is that their Night Eye ability is a power not a

spell. This means you can have your two hands assigned and access your night vision

at all times (unless you replace it with a shout).

The Elder Scrolls V: Nord guide

It seems that in the world of The Elder Scrolls, Vikings are renowned for both their

ability to bash your face in with a wide variety of weapons and chat with you. No

longer are the Imperials the renowned masters of chit-chat, the Nords are giving them

a run for their money. All joking aside, this likely reflects on the fact that you

are in the Nordic homeland and people are going to be more positively inclined to

their brethren.

As you can see, the Nord are designed to be straight up warriors although they have a

preference for light armor. This doesn’t mean that they like to sneak or anything

like that, they simply tend to prefer the maneuverability from bearing lighter loads.

Slap them in a suit of Imperial Leather, give them a few perks and they can handle

even the tough enemies like a trooper. If you do decide to use the lighter armor and

not train up heavy armor, then it is best if you use a shield to help bolster your


It does bear noting that the Nord has very weak abilities. While Resist Frost is

decent enough, Battle Cry is incredibly weak. For the most part you’ll really not

want to bother with it as you should be killing enemies not chasing them off. The

worst part is that sometimes the enemies will return to blindside you with a random


A Nord will have access to:

Starting Skills

Block: 20, Light Armor: 20, One Handed: 20, Smithing: 20, Speech: 20, Two Handed: 25

Passive Abilities

Resist Frost – Grants a 50% resistance to all Frost attacks.

Activated Ability:

Battle Cry – Targets will flee for 30 seconds although this can be resisted.

Character Suggestions:

Nords are Vikings. They hit stuff. Be a fighter. Yes, it really is that simple. All

of their options are neatly laid out before you here. You will always be making use

of Speech since it figures into buying and selling goods and you have your pick of

using one-handed or two-handed weapons, so there is no reason to look any further

than that. None of their skills or abilities give them much in the ways of

flexibility in this regard either. So pick a Nord if their skills appeal to you as a

fighter in a way that the Reguard or Orc don’t.

The Elder Scrolls V: Orc guide

Contrary to what you might think from the name, these Orcs are less “human killing

primitives” and more or less green skinned dwarves. They walk around with axes and

hammers and are the most well renowned craftsmen in the world. In a way though, they

’re a mix between the two; they are smiths who are also known for their berserker

rage and for slaughtering their foes.

The Orc is almost like a specialized version of the Redguard. They trade in all of

the Redguards magical capabilities for a greater focus on bashing faces in. Orcs are

meant to be in a suit of heavy armor and charge right into the thick of combat with

whatever weapon they so choose. Their special ability, Berserker Rage, allows them to

deal double damage while taking half damage for a full minute. For an Orc with a two

handed weapon in heavy armor, that is a death sentence for almost all opponents.

Like the Redguard, the Orc has a nice advantage due to his advanced smithing ability.

This allows him to make good equipment to either sale or for personal use. But in

addition to that, the Orc has a high Enchantment skill which allows him to make

magical weapons and armor. Pairing those two skills up lets you craft surprisingly

good weapons and armor pretty early into the adventure – if you choose the right


An Orc will have access to:

Starting Skills

Block: 20, Enchanting: 20, Heavy Armor: 25, One Handed: 20, Smithing: 20, Two Handed:


Passive Abilities


Activated Ability:

Berserker Barrage Rage – You take half damage and do double damage for 60 seconds.

Character Suggestions:

The Orc is meant to be a fighter class and that’s the purpose you should put them

towards. Choose your weapon early on and stick with it, there is little advantage to

bouncing between one and two handed weapons. My personal preference has always been

an Orc wielding a two-handed Hammer or Axe with a full set of heavy armor, but you

may find that a sword and shield combo meets your preference.

If you’re interested in pursuing smithing and enchanting then you will want to

dedicate yourself to it pretty intensely. Enchantment really requires you to devote

yourself fully for it to really pay off. The only optional path is the elemental

enchanter abilities on the left side. All of the others are incredibly helpful.

Regular Smithing can be done a bit more sparingly, just be sure to get Arcane

Smithing and at least Advanced Armors. Those are arguably some of the best perks.

Elder Scrolls Video Game Dating Profiles

We’ve gathered some of our favorite video game dating profiles found around the

internet for your enjoyment. Unfortunately you can’t reply to any of them because,

well, you’re not a video game character. But at least you can see what kind of man

Lara Croft is interested in, or the type of woman that can break through the armor

around Master Chief’s heart.

It’s not easy saving the world. Really, think about how big the world is… then

think about saving it. That’s why our favorite video game characters have a hard time

finding love. They’re too busy averting certain disaster to think about staking out

coffee shops and libraries and laundromats. Which is why it’s so very common to see

even the greatest video game hero take advantage of online dating.

We’ve gathered some of our favorite video game dating profiles found around the

internet for your enjoyment. Unfortunately you can’t reply to any of them because,

well, you’re not a video game character. But at least you can see what kind of man

Lara Croft is interested in, or the type of woman that can break through the armor

around Master Chief’s heart.

It’s not easy saving the world. Really, think about how big the world is… then

think about saving it. That’s why our favorite video game characters have a hard time

finding love. They’re too busy averting certain disaster to think about staking out

coffee shops and libraries and laundromats. Which is why it’s so very common to see

even the greatest video game hero take advantage of online dating.

Elder scrolls No Further Skyrim DLC Planned, Team “Moving On”

If you were hoping more DLC for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim was still on the way,

you’re out of luck; Bethesda has announced only “minor updates” will be provided in

the future as the studio ramps up production on its next project.

In a post on the Bethblog, the company explains that its next major project is ready

to make the leap from pre-production to a state where it’ll require a lot more hands.

“For the last year and a half we’ve been working on new content for Skyrim; from the

game updates, Creation Kit, Steam Workshop, Kinect support, to DLCs,” it explains.

“Parts of our team have also been in pre-production on our next major project, and

that game is at the point where it requires the studio’s full attention to make it

our biggest and best work yet.

“Even though we’re moving on, we’ll still have minor updates to Skyrim as needed.

We’ve invested so much of ourselves into Skyrim and will never truly say goodbye to


So what do you reckon? Is Fallout 4 full-steam ahead, or could this morning’s news

about The Elder Scrolls: Arena point to a next-generation Elder Scrolls game about to

go into full development? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Elder scrolls Legendary Edition Confirmed

Update: Bethesda has confirmed The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Legendary Edition will be

available on June 4 in North America and June 7 throughout Europe and Australia.

The bundle will include the original game plus the three official expansions,

Dawnguard, Hearthfire and Dragonborn, along with other patched improvements such as

combat cameras, mounted combat, the Legendary difficulty mode and Legendary skills

that allow you to master all perks and level up skills indefinitely.

The PS3 and Xbox versions have advised retail prices of $59.99 / £39.99 / €49.99 /

AU$69.95, while the PC version comes in slightly cheaper in most regions at $59.99 /

£29.99 / €39.99 / AU$49.95.

Original story follows.

Original Story: A Skyrim: Legendary Edition containing all DLC packs as well as the

original game has been spotted on a Polish retail site.

The listing over at Ultima (via Eurogamer Poland) reveals that the edition will

contain the vampire-spectacular Dawnguard, the home-building Hearthfire and the

dragon-riding Dragonborn all in one package.

It’s listed as being available for PS3 and Xbox 360 for roughly £35/$54, while the PC

version comes in slightly cheaper at £29/$44.

So, is it real? Well, Bethesda is staying tight-lipped right now, but seeing as it’s

regularly created Game of the Year bundles containing all expansion content for its

previous titles, including for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, The Elder Scrolls

IV: Oblivion, Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas, the smart money’s on this one being


Earlier this week, a post on the Bethblog explained that the Skyrim team was “moving

on” and the game wouldn’t be receiving any more major content additions. Given this,

the imminent announcement of a special edition of the game containing all DLC would

make sense, seeing as it’s pretty much confirmed now that no more will be coming.

Would you pick up the Skyrim: Legendary Edition if it’s a real thing, or have you

already had your fill of Skyrim and its various expansions? Let us know your thoughts

in the comments.

The inexpensive eso power leveling gift for you

ESO Power Leveling could be the term employed to describe the method of leveling a

character as rapidly as you can making use of the least amount of play time. ESO

Energy Leveling may well be utilised from any level as much as the maximum level

inside the game. Also,ESO Power Leveling effective ESO Power Leveling at doesn’t demand endless hours of grinding.
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If you happen to be looking for to obtain ESO Power Leveling at a low price and have

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lost globe virtue could be purchased from funds shop so acquire these for the low

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buy a portal tome from income shop. set it to obtain a lost globe place and tele the

noob character in. Lovers memento’s happen to be utilised for precisely the same. I

dont know within the occasion the portal tome functions for LW nonetheless it does

for Ole.

Either way it appears that each and every these methods are now deemed illegal along

with a bannable ESO Power Leveling I may possibly be mistaken but

higher safe than sorry.

The only legal power leveling approaches i can really feel of is partying a low level

using a actually higher level in dizzet.The Elder Scrolls On-line energy leveling Its

semi effective. employing the 12 hour xp token the low levels get inside the present

box they need to attain about level 40-50 depending on the place together with the

strength in the high level.

And then there is the ultimate power level spot.alliances that handle territories can

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that may get super quickly.The Elder Scrolls Online power leveling I’ve noticed

characters go from level 1-90 in considerably much less than two days.

The cheap eso power leveling

ESO Power Leveling may be the term used to describe the approach of leveling a

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Leveling might be utilised from any level up to the maximum level inside the game.

Also,ESO Power Leveling effective ESO Energy Leveling at does not

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lost world virtue could be bought from money shop so acquire these for the low level

so they dont get kicked out of lost globe.

buy a portal tome from money shop. set it to get a lost world location and tele the

noob character in. Lovers memento’s have been utilised for precisely the same. I dont

know in the event the portal tome functions for LW nevertheless it does for Ole.

Either way it seems that each these techniques are now considered illegal along with

a bannable ESO Power Leveling I may possibly be mistaken but greater

secure than sorry.

The only legal power leveling strategies i can feel of is partying a low level using

a actually higher level in dizzet.The Elder Scrolls Online power leveling Its semi

efficient. using the 12 hour xp token the low levels get inside the present box they

must attain about level 40-50 depending on the location along with the strength from

the high level.

And then there is the ultimate energy level spot.alliances that manage territories

can get ranch maps which are tradeable. Trade that to a low level and party them in

ranch. that will get super fast.The Elder Scrolls Online power leveling I’ve noticed

characters go from level 1-90 in significantly less than two days.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Armor

Each race will have armor unique to that race, and the cuirass and greaves have been merged into one type unlike past ES titles.
As with armor sets in past ES titles, armor in Skyrim will have a feel that is unique to this title. There will be more armor sets to choose from: the basics from past titles and new sets unique to Skyrim. The basic sets will have the appearance of being made in Skyrim (with Nord influences in design) while exotic sets will have characteristics alien to Nord design.

Each race will have armor unique to that race, and the cuirass and greaves have been merged into one type unlike past ES titles.

As with armor sets in past ES titles, armor in Skyrim will have a feel that is unique to this title. There will be more armor sets to choose from: the basics from past titles and new sets unique to Skyrim. The basic sets will have the appearance of being made in Skyrim (with Nord influences in design) while exotic sets will have characteristics alien to Nord design.

Each race will have armor unique to that race, and the cuirass and greaves have been merged into one type unlike past ES titles.