What do we have here? A race of cats that specializes in stealth skills? I’m fully
convinced that somebody made a joke about a cat burglar and the game designers ran
with it far too literally. Whatever the reason for them existing they are the single
best thieves in the game with a boost to basically every stealth skill that a thief
could want.
Basically every single aspect of the Khajiit is geared towards making them the best
stealthy murderers. There is no advantage to be had trying to turn them into
something else, so just don’t bother. A stealthy approach via bow and poisoned
arrows will get you through a lot of enemies, while your sword backup lets you handle
close range.
Much like the Argonians, the Khajiit have had the restriction on what armor they can
wear removed. This allows you to have a badass full suit of armor to compliment your
natural kitty thief abilities. The claw ability is pretty useless in the long run –
although it can be powerful in Helgen Keep and the first few dungeons. Use your bow
at range and then cat scratch the heck out of them when they get in your face.
Kitty Meow-Meow will have access to:
Starting Skills
Alchemy: 20, Archery: 20, Lockpicking: 20, One Handed: 20, Pickpocket: 20 Sneak: 25
Passive Abilities
Claws – Khajiit can do 15 points of damage with unarmed attacks.
Activated Ability:
Night Eye – Improved night vision for 60 seconds.
Character Suggestions:
Since a Khajiit is designed to be a pure rogue, simply embrace this and pick them
when you went the best of the best. Take a quick, light melee weapon like a dagger or
light sword and get them enchanted when you want a stronger weapon. If you like,
early on, you can stick with just your claws as they’re stronger than most knives
and early game swords, but their effectiveness peters off quickly. Otherwise, stick
with the bow and whatever poisons that you like to use.
A nice thing about the Khajiit is that their Night Eye ability is a power not a
spell. This means you can have your two hands assigned and access your night vision
at all times (unless you replace it with a shout).