Elder Scrolls Video Game Dating Profiles

We’ve gathered some of our favorite video game dating profiles found around the

internet for your enjoyment. Unfortunately you can’t reply to any of them because,

well, you’re not a video game character. But at least you can see what kind of man

Lara Croft is interested in, or the type of woman that can break through the armor

around Master Chief’s heart.

It’s not easy saving the world. Really, think about how big the world is… then

think about saving it. That’s why our favorite video game characters have a hard time

finding love. They’re too busy averting certain disaster to think about staking out

coffee shops and libraries and laundromats. Which is why it’s so very common to see

even the greatest video game hero take advantage of online dating.

We’ve gathered some of our favorite video game dating profiles found around the

internet for your enjoyment. Unfortunately you can’t reply to any of them because,

well, you’re not a video game character. But at least you can see what kind of man

Lara Croft is interested in, or the type of woman that can break through the armor

around Master Chief’s heart.

It’s not easy saving the world. Really, think about how big the world is… then

think about saving it. That’s why our favorite video game characters have a hard time

finding love. They’re too busy averting certain disaster to think about staking out

coffee shops and libraries and laundromats. Which is why it’s so very common to see

even the greatest video game hero take advantage of online dating.

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