TESO Guilds

Zenimiax has confirmed four guilds that will be featured in The Elder Scrolls Online. These four guilds are The Dark Brotherhood, The Fighters Guild, The Mages Guild, and The Thieves Guild.
The Dark Brotherhood

Currently, there’s no information on how to join The Dark Brotherhood.
The Fighters Guild

To get into the Fighters Guild, you’ll have to find and destroy Dark Anchors. Dark Anchors are giant hooks sent by Molag Bal from his Daedric Plane of Coldharbour. Their job is to drag Tamriel into his plane. Defeat the Daedric Guardian that is blocking the anchor, and send the anchor back to Coldharbour to get on the Fighter Guild’s good side.
The Mages Guild

To get into the Mages Guild, you’ll have to search high and low for special Lore Books hidden throughout Tamriel. They can be in the busiest cities, or they could be in the most desolate mines. It’s uncertain if the books will be randomly placed or set in specific locations.
The Thieves Guild

Currently, there’s no information on how to join The Thieves Guild.


Author: ESOFans