The Elder Scrolls Online: Visit Brass Fortress For Basilisk Pet

Zenimax has released the DLC Clockwork City and Update 16 for The Elder Scrolls Online on PC, PS4 and Xbox One and is giving away a Brass Fortress Basilisk on all platforms to celebrate the day. As you add the peaceful companion of your collection on PC, Mac, PS4 and Xbox One, you’ll find out here in the message.

You’ve probably heard: On October 23rd, the DLC Clockwork City and Free Update 16 were released for the PC and Mac versions of The Elder Scrolls Online, and on November 7, the release on Playstation 4 and Xbox One followed.


What you may not have noticed, however, is Zenimax, to celebrate the release of Clockwork City, is giving the peaceful companion Brass Fortress Basilisk to all players of The Elder Scrolls Online, with the pet having a different hue on each platform.

On PC and Mac you can easily add the basilisk to your collection: Open the Crown Store and just click on the Brass Fortress Basilisk under “Special Offers”. For the consoles, Zenimax has published a short guide on the official site, which reads as follows:

Brass Fortress Basilisk on the Xbox One

  • In the Xbox One Home menu, scroll to the right until you come to the store.
  • Select Search All button.
  • Open “The Elder Scrolls Online” and select the game.
  • On the store page for The Elder Scrolls Online, pick out the Basilisk, then select it under Add-ons and you’ll have it for free!

Brass Fortress Basilisk on the Playstation 4

  • From the PS4 Dashboard, you’ll see the PlayStation Store on the left.
  • Select Search in the top bar.
  • Open “The Elder Scrolls Online” and select the game (not the add-on content that will appear in the results).
  • On the store page for The Elder Scrolls Online, pick out the Basilisk, then select it under Add-ons and you’ll have it for free!

By the way, you did not have to buy the DLC Clockwork City to get the pet, but you need an active “Xbox Live Gold” or “Playstation Plus” subscription. More about The Elder Scrolls Online is also available on our regular theme page.
