ZeniMax releases nine-minute ESO preview clip

ZeniMax releases nineminute Elder Scrolls Online preview clip

Last month we flew to Maryland to report from The Elder Scrolls Online’s first press event. While we were getting some hands-on time with the title, we were also watching a nine-minute video that ZeniMax put together in order to introduce the game to a wide audience.

Today the firm has published the clip for the first time, and it features a mixture of fly-through footage, talking head interviews with creative director Paul Sage and lead designer Nick Konkle, and snippets of PvE and PvP gameplay too.

See for yourself after the break.

Graphics and animations need work.   Its not bad its more like its pretty good and then there are just spots or a couple of seconds when its really bad and then its good again, I think that,s called unfinished business.

If they don’t want to end up making yet another same ol same ol as mmorpg games that are currently not able to hold their audience then they need to not listen to demands of forum blow-hards and not buy into cheap canned demographic/play style info that are like old meat at the market with new dates stamps on them.  Generally people are afraid of change and even though they just left 5 games in the last year or so cause they were frustrating and grindy they will none the less ask for the same old stuff on game forums.

I wish them all the best.


Author: ESOFans