Serving you a scoop of Elder Scrolls Online beta details

Serving you a scoop of Elder Scrolls Online beta details

So you know that the beta for The Elder Scrolls Online is coming up, right? Of course you do! But what you don’t know are many details about it. Well, slide on up to the counter here and we’ll give you the scoop — with a cherry on top.

Beta events will begin as smaller, scheduled play sessions (usually on weekends) with a limited play window focusing on something specific. Invitations for the first round of public events will start going out at the end of March, with the tests starting shortly thereafter. Events will become more frequent and last longer as launch approaches, and players can receive separate invites for multiple events.

Testers will be selected based on various criteria and all invites will go to the email players used to sign up for the beta. If you haven’t signed up yet, there’s still time! Just head to the official site to fill out the beta application.

Author: ESOFans