The Elder Scrolls Online previews characters, more in new trailers

The Elder Scrolls Online -- Character teaser trailer screencap

We’re expecting big things out of The Elder Scrolls Online during this year’s E3, and to kick things off, Bethesda and ZeniMax have unveiled a new teaser trailer that shows off a small sampling of the characters players can look forward to taking control of when they get their hands on the game. While it’s not exactly gameplay footage, perhaps the new video will assuage fans who are uncertain about the game’s art direction. That, or it will enrage them further.

At any rate, the sample characters run the gamut of what you would expect from The Elder Scrolls: big bearded dude with an axe, sultry elven spellcaster, cloaked assassin — you get the idea. The video’s short and doesn’t serve as much except for eye-candy, but if you’re voracious for new TESO tidbits, it’s definitely worth a look. Just head past the cut for the full trailer, and be sure to check back later this week for a chat with the folks behind the upcoming title.

[Update: We’ve also added another video, this one an interview of TESO’s game director discussing and showing off the game, and the official site has updated with a new look and FAQ. Thanks to Paul for the tips!]

Well, even if this is third person and single player questing, the co-op experience and PvP modes sound like it will be worth it. What he said about gameplay and how you’re not just pushing buttons sounds good. This game could fail just like SWTOR if it’s subscripition based. Hopefully it will be pay once and then free to play.


Author: ESOFans