ESO:The Tamriel Chronicle

It’s time for our weekly roundup of awesome ESO fan creations. Take a look at this week’s links.

We’ve read your suggestions and scoured the web to bring you the latest ESO fan creations. Please enjoy the podcasts, articles, and excellent creative works—maybe you’ll be inspired to create your own. If you have ESO fan art, stories, podcasts, or any other work you’d like to share with us, send it to and we’ll check it out.

Fan Art

We’re always inspired by the talent of ESO fan artists. Take a look at some recent works, and don’t forget to visit our official ESO Tumblr page for more!

Argonian Male & Female – By Shanku on Tamriel Foundry


Rhael the Wood Elf Hoarder – Art and Character by Pigeons on TESO-RP

Meer-Craht the Argonian – Art by Evanyell, Character by Mycroft on TESO-RP

Fan Fiction

Journey to Tamriel through the eyes of other ESO fans.

Casting Shadows – Chapter One – By BlytheAlarynn on TESOF

Life is merely a series of stories without an ending, and with each beginning comes a chance to create a new plot. Every story differs from its precursor, and it has the opportunity to be prodigious. Each life creates its own success and failure and continues on its own. However, sometimes fate has a hand in even the smallest and seemingly insignificant stories. This story is only a small sliver of a plethora of amazement and wonder.

The Deserter – By Davek on TESO-RP


Dazog sighed as he pulled his large sword out of the chest of the last goblin, letting it fall lifelessly to the ground. Dazog scanned the area around him; four more fiendish goblin corpses littered the crop field of the small farm he had been sent to liberate from these foul creatures. With a grunt he returned his greatsword to its sheath on his back, and hung his shield on his left hip.

Sunrise – By Triskele on TESOF

The majestic black stallion calmly walked towards the gate, against the stream of people entering the city: tourists, merchants, pilgrims – all here to see the jewel of the Iliac Bay, try their luck, their mischief, or a bit of both. The steed sauntered at ease, used to any form of fuss, and people made way upon seeing his large hooves and his proud neck carrying his noble head. Dusk had a way of carrying his rider through crowds and problems like a trireme carried its captain through a storm. It’s why Sahar was very fond of him.

Theodyne Robillard of Hammerfell and The Daggerfall Covenant: Part 1 – By Theodyne Robillard on TESOF

Upon deciding to pledge his allegiance to the High King Emeric and reclaim the honor of his families name, Theodyne set out for the land of his fathers before him, the lands of High Rock. He had heard there was to be summit in Wayrest where High King Emeric would be holding council with the most respected Archmages, military leaders, and lords of the lands of High Rock, and Theodyne intended to seek council with one of the representatives and plead his case for redemption. It was on a twilight evening that Theodyne found himself riding his horse just outside of Wayrest.


Author: ESOFans